• GIS and Maps

Map Environmental Issues Using EnviroAtlas

View Maps of Your Tribal Nation Community’s Environment Using EnviroAtlas

Enviro Atlas maps contain information that can be used by Tribal Nation Citizens, Tribal Nation environmental departments, and Tribal Nation colleges and Universities to obtain estimated pollution concentrations, exposures, risks from pollution, potential sources of contamination, demographics, and key community environmental information. The examples below describe how to use various features of the maps using Tribal Nation community scenarios.

Step 1

Example: using Tribal-FERST Maps

Step 2

Example: Adding Data to Tribal-FERST Maps

Step 3

Example: Using Tribal-FERST to Map Schools, Regulated Facilities and Age Demographics in a Community


Using Tribal-FERST to Map Environmental Issues


Example: Adding Data to Tribal-FERST Maps


Zoom to your location


Slide 1

This example shows how to map benzene exposure, poverty, and the location of health care facilities in a community. It also demonstrates how to view map layers, adjust transparency, view the legend, and find more information in the map pop-ups.


Slide 2

The Tribal-FERST map viewer gives you the ability to add map layers from other sources. This example shows how to add data from other sources – in this case, locations of health resources – to the map, and how to save and print your maps.

See the full example of adding data to Tribal FERST maps

Get Started: View Tribal Nation Community Maps


This example shows how to display the location of industrial sources and schools, as well as the percent of the population that is under 18 years of age, in the Tribal-FERST Map Viewer. It also demonstrates how to view the map layers and legend, and how to find more information on individual map layers using the pop-ups.

See the full example of mapping schools, regulated facilities and age demographics

Get Started: View Tribal Nation Community Maps