Frequently Asked Questions

What data is in the Community Data Table and where does it come from?

  • The Community Data Table contains data from several sources:
    • Estimated concentration, exposure and risk values for several hazardous air pollutants, as well as estimates of cumulative risks from outdoor air pollutants, are from EPA’s 2014 National Air Toxics Assessment (NATA) and are available at the Census Tract, county, and state. 
    • Demographic indicators are from the 2008-2012 U.S. Census American Community Survey (ACS) and are available at the county, state, and national level.
    • EPA National Air Toxics Assessment (2014) U.S. Census American Community Survey

Tribal-FERST does not provide data on every environmental issue that may be important to a Tribal Nation community. Tribal-FERST should be supplemented with additional information and local knowledge before taking any action to address potential concerns. Additional data will be added to the Tribal-FERST Community Data Table in the future as Tribal Nations provide information or request updates.

How can I download the data in the Community Data Table?

[Please note:  This feature is not current working; we plan to have this before the public release.]
To download your Community Data Table, you can click the “Export to Excel” button at the top of the page. This will create a CSV file which you can save to your computer and open in Excel.

To download additional raw data direct from the source, you can click the link in the “Data Info” column (last column) in the Community Data Table, which will take you to the source of the data where you can find more extensive information and, in some cases, download additional raw data.

How can I find more information about the data in the Community Data Table?

To find more extensive information about the data in the Community Data Table, click the link in the “Data Info” column (last column). This link will take you to the source of the data where you can find more extensive information and, in some cases, download additional raw data.

How can I use the Community Data Table?

The Community Data Table allows you to compare environmental and demographic data for your Tribal Nation and community with county, state and national values and to improve understanding of local conditions. Once you have launched the data tool, click the section headings to expand the sections on each of the following topics:

  • Environmental Concentration Estimates
  • Human Exposure Estimates
  • Health Risk Estimates
  • Demographic, Social and Economic Indicators By reading across each row within the data tool, you can compare the values for your community (Census Tract) with those at county and state level. Higher (or lower) values in your community may help you identify issues to explore further using Tribal-FERST or other information sources.

How can I add data to the Community Data Table?

Please note: This feature is not current working; we plan to have this before the public release.]
To add data to your Community Data table, you first need to save it to your computer by clicking the “Export to Excel” button at the top of the page. This will create a CSV file which you can save to your computer and open in Microsoft Excel. Once you have the file saved on your computer, you can add data to your Excel file. It is not possible to add data to the Community Data Table directly from Tribal-FERST.